Dice Game With Money
  1. Left Right Center Dice Game With Money
  2. Left Right Dice Game Rules

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I like card games. I like social interaction games. And yeah, I like board games. But there’s something special about dice games, isn’t there?

The cool feel of plastic as you roll, followed by the satisfying clack-clack-clack, and that tense moment as you hope for that one winning result.

Dice games may not be heavy, and they may not even be deep, but they’re great for lighter fun with a dose of socialization when you just need to relax or pass the time.

Here are some of the best dice games for your collection!

Related: The best cheap board games and card games

1. Pandemic: The Cure

It’s like Pandemic except your dice rolls determine which actions you can do. The “board” is now condensed down to the six major continents, and there are infection dice that determine where outbreaks happen.

It’s just as cooperative as the original game, but faster paced and more tense! Really fun and great replay value.


2. Bang: The Dice Game

The original Bang card game has horrible pacing. But the dice version? So much better!

The same roles are in play (Sheriff, Deputy, Outlaw, Renegade) and players choose characters with special abilities, but the gameplay is simplified: roll to see what you can do, plus two re-roll chances for dice you don’t want.

The fun of the deduction element is still there, but you can end the game within 20 minutes instead of two hours.

3. Dice Town

Each player starts with five poker dice and some money. Every round, players simultaneously “draw a hand” by rolling their poker dice (in a cup), setting one result aside, and repeating until a full hand of five dice are drawn.

Players compare their hands and may take various actions depending on how they stack up against everyone else.

4. Quarriors

Quarriors is a light-medium-weight deckbuilding game—except instead of cards, your “deck” consists of various kinds of dice.

Everyone starts with the same set of dice, but each player’s dice pool evolves in different ways based on their choices in the game. It’s fantasy-themed and playable within 30 minutes.

What’s not to love?

5. The Castles of Burgundy: The Dice Game

The Castles of Burgundy: The Dice Game is a fun territory-building game that uses custom dice to determine which territories you can claim. Games last a bit under 30 minutes.

Note that this is different than the original The Castles of Burgundy board game, which is similar to Catan. While the original game is a heavier and more complex game, the dice version is much lighter and easier to play.

Related: How to know when you’ve outgrown Catan

6. Roll for the Galaxy

Roll for the Galaxy is the dice version of Race for the Galaxy, one of the more popular board games to come out in the last decade. It’s an economic strategy game in space, where your dice represent your workers.

This medium-weight game needs a bit of commitment to play, with an average play time of 45 minutes.

7. Zombie Dice

It doesn’t get any lighter than Zombie Dice: on your turn, you roll three of the custom dice which have Brains (one point), Footsteps (optional re-roll), and Shotguns.

After you roll, you can choose to accept your current score or roll an additional three dice. The catch? If you roll three Shotguns, you forfeit all points you would’ve earned that turn.

Push your luck, baby!

8. Qwixx

Do you like Yahtzee? Then you’ll love Qwixx. It’s a roll-and-write game where everyone plays their turns simultaneously.

Players have score cards with the numbers 2 to 12 in each of four colors: red, yellow, green, blue. Each round, a set of shared dice are thrown: two normal dice, and one die of each color.

The dice determine which boxes can be marked off on score cards, but here’s the twist: once a number is marked off for a color, you can’t mark off smaller numbers for that color in future rounds. If you can’t mark off any number in a round, you get a penalty. After someone has four penalties, the game ends.

It’s a fun family game. Note that the score cards are one-time use, so you will eventually need to order replacement score cards.

9. Blueprints

In Blueprints, players attempt to complete various buildings by taking turns picking dice of different colors from a shared pool.

The fun part is that the dice need to be arranged according to the shape on the building’s blueprint card. At the end, players tally up their points to see who wins.

10. Liar’s Dice

Everyone has five dice that they roll and conceal under a cup.

The first player starts with a bid: a face value between 1 and 6 and a count of how many of that face value are face-up under everyone’s cups.

The next player can increase the bid (a higher face value or a higher count) or call “Liar!” on the previous player.

It keeps going until someone is called out, then all dice are revealed. It’s light, it’s fun, and good for families.

You don’t actually have to buy anything to play Liar’s Dice—you just need five dice plus one cup for every player. But dice games are more fun when you have quality components!

Read next: The best board gaming accessories for game night

Everything is in place for your party dice games tonight. You’ve got the pizza ordered, the decorations up, and the snacks on the table. All that’s left is to decide on the large group games that you’re going to play.

You need to pick something that an entire group can play and not get bored. Look no further than easy dice games. There are plenty of them out there and they’re not too hard to learn for those who have never played them.

To help you keep your guests entertained for hours, check out a few of the best dice games for parties.

1. Ship, Captain, Mate, Crew

For this large party games, you’ll need a cup and five dice. Each person is going to roll the dice to try and get a six to get a ship, five to get their captain, four for the mate, and the rest will be the number of crew members they will have.

You have to get the ship, captain, mate, and crew in order. So, if someone’s first roll was 6,3,2,1,6 they would have the ship but have to reroll when their turn comes around again to try for the captain, mate, and crew.

The winner will be the person who got their ship, captain, mate, and has the most crew members.

2. Left Center Right

Left Center Right can be played by three or more people. It’s made for those of the ages of 3 and up so it’s not hard to catch on to. The dice aren’t numbered like normal ones.

These have L, C, and R on the faces and dots on the remaining three sides. On top of the dice, you’ll be given chips. When you roll the dice if you get an L you’ll give a chip to the person on your left, if you roll and R you’ll give one to the person on your right, and if you roll a C you’ll put one in the center.

You’ll win this game if you’re the last individual with chips. As you can see, it’s one the more simple of the dice games but it’s fun and simple dice games.

3. Farkle

The best part of these dice games for groups is that they are affordable because they don’t come with a lot of pieces. Farkle is no exception to this. It comes with a cup, six dice, and a score sheet.

Put the dice in the cup and role. The object of this simple dice game is to get the most points by matching the combinations that are on your scorecard. If you have a bad roll, you can put a few or all of your dice back in the cup and go again.

You’ll have to be careful with doing this. You don’t want to lose everything you worked for in a Farkle.

4. Yahtzee

Yahtzee is a classic that’s been around forever and it’s not going anywhere. Just in case you’ve never played the game, we’re going to go over the rules though. You’ll have a cup, dice, and a scorepad.

You’ll need to roll different combinations to rack up the most points within the thirteen rounds. Sort of like Farkle. If you roll five of the same exact number then you’ll get the chance to yell out “Yahtzee”!

5. Roll for It

Need a good game to keep the kiddos at the get together busy? If so then you’ll definitely want to pick up Roll For It. It’s a good game for 2-4 players and even though the recommended age limit for it is eight, younger children should be able to catch on to the rules.
To start playing you flip of three cards and then each player will roll their dice to try and match the values on the cards. If they manage to do it then they will take the card and get points. The first player to get to 40 points will be declared the victor.

6. Fill or Bust

Fill or bust can be played with up to 9 people so it makes great party games for large groups. The objective, like most of the games on this list, is to score the most points. You’ll play up to a certain amount of points that you get to set.

To play you’ll roll five dice to try and get a fill so you can earn points. If you’re feeling lucky you can roll again after your first one to earn even more points. If you don’t get a fill though, you’ll bust and lose all the points that you’ve earned.

Left Right Center Dice Game With Money

7. Tenzi

A great party game needs to not only be entertaining for those playing. It should also be fun for those watching. Tenzi can give your guests the best of these two worlds.

Tenzi is both competitive and easy which makes it the ideal party game for big groups. Tenzi comes with four sets of ten colored dice. The object of the game is for everyone to roll their set until all ten dice are on the same side.

The first one who succeeds in this feat will yell “Tenzi” and win the game. This game is fast-paced so even though only four people can play at a time it’s easy to rotate turns so everyone gets a chance at it.

8. Qwixx

Qwixx is also pretty fast-paced. Each round only goes on for about 15 minutes. It comes with six dice.
Four colored dice and two white ones. You’ll roll all the dice and mark off the sum of the colored dice on your score pad while your fellow players can mark off the sum of the white ones on theirs.

The Best Dice Games for Large Party Groups

You’ve got everything in order for your party except for the games to play with dice that you’re going to play. Head to a retailer to pick up one of the best dice games on this list before your guests arrive. Bring fun and life to your party.

Left Right Dice Game Rules

Are dice games not something that your guests would be interested in? We’ve got more game ideas where this came from. Check out the entertainment section of our blog for more options.