Las Vegas Gambling Tip

When it comes to tipping, there’s pretty much no place else in the world where tipping is so engrained in the culture of everything you’ll do. This is a city that lives and dies on tips, and because of this you can and should expect a very high level of service no matter what you’re doing while in town. That being said, most people really don’t know what’s appropriate to tip for different services, so I wanted to compile a list that helps you figure out when and what to give as a gratuity. Keep in mind these are just general recommendations based on my experiences and you are free to tip as little or as much as your Vegas budget allows.

Many Las Vegas visitors are spending less than they did before the pandemic. Casino workers have taken notice. Barb Licht, a craps dealer at The Venetian, said tipping has “gotten really. Las Vegas Gambling Tips! POSTED ON November 9, 2020 - POSTED IN addictions. The same goes for poker and other games. Casino games are available in video form online any time of day. The sites are, by and large, legal. This makes gambling in general more accessible for everyone. Long gone are the days where you met at a speakeasy to play poker. ▶ Concierge: A tip isn’t necessary to get pointed in the right direction, but “ Tips on Tipping, ” compiled by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, suggests '$2 to $5 for getting a.

Bartenders – If you’re just ordering 1 or 2 drinks, leave around $1 – $3, otherwise I usually do 10-15% for a larger bill of drinks only.

Bellmen – I never use these guys but I know a lot of people do, I think $5 is appropriate if they do a good job (meaning they are friendly, show you into your room and explain any features).

Bottle Service Girls – If you have a table in the club, you’ll probably be subject to an auto gratuity of 18%, some people leave more on top but I think that’s more than enough.

Cigarette Girls – These are the girls that walk around the casino selling smokes, I usually give them a few dollars.

Cocktail Waitresses – Specifically the ones that work inside the casino and bring you “free” drinks while you gamble, I usually give $2-$5 (if I’m winning) but $1 per drink is acceptable.

Dealers – This is super subjective and depends on your limits, luck and generosity – throwing a bet for the dealers every so often is very appreciated however.

Front Desk Agents – You definitely don’t need to tip them, however using the 20 dollar trick is a good idea if you are looking for an upgrade.

Go Go Dancers – Some hotels have Go Go Dancers in the casino pit that provide additional entertainment – seems a bit creepy to tip them but I’m sure they’ll accept it, I suggest $5.

Maids – The rule of thumb is $3-$5 per day, but I prefer to just leave around $20 at the end of my trip if the room is clean and well serviced.

Nightclub Bouncers – You don’t have to tip these guys, but you do if you want to skip the line and they usually want $50-$100 per person.

Restaurant Servers – If they are friendly, attentive and provide good service I usually give them 15%-20% of the total bill.

Room Service – There will usually always be an auto gratuity of 10%-15% but I still give a few bucks when they deliver the food.

Slot Attendants – These are the people that pay you when you win a slots jackpot, there is no fixed % and it depends on what you win, but I wouldn’t tip too much.

Taxi Drivers – The standard tip for taxi drivers is around 10% to 20% of the fare, but only do this if they are nice and entertaining (which many in Vegas are).

Taxi Line Guy – At all hotels there is a “taxi line guy” that manages the flow of cabs and opens the door for you, $1-$2 is totally fine.

Valet Attendant – Never have used this service before but the recommendation seems to be $2 for drop-off and $2 for pick-up.

VIP Host – If you have a VIP casino host it’s nice to tip them if they do a good job, most can’t accept cash so gift cards are a good idea.

Tipping Dealers

There exists a handful of different types of people that should receive tips at your typical casino, however few are more important than the dealer. As was briefly touched upon above, the dealer is a critical part of the equation when it comes to you winning or losing money. Though tipping the dealer is not going to see he or she cheat for you, it is generally considered a standard practice, and it is wise that you adhere to it.

Throughout the years many people have come up with many different methods or formulas for how they tip, but there is no single correct way to go about it. A popular way to tip is to simply base the quantity of money given on the quality of service you are receiving. If the dealer is helpful, cheerful, and generally contributing to your good time, I think it’s safe to say that he or she deserves a better tip than someone who doesn’t speak and rarely makes eye contact.

In addition to this, people tend to tip based upon how they are playing at the given moment in time. If they are playing well they are going to tip extremely well, if not, then they may be a bit more frugal. At the end of the day, there are few people who would offer an argument against the belief that dealers are the most important people to tip well.

Las Vegas Gambling Tips


Tipping Waiters/Waitresses

There must be a disclaimer made that how well or poorly you tip waiters and waitresses depends solely upon how much drinking you plan on doing at the casino. If you are on vacation and looking to gamble for fun while sipping on a few cocktails, then it would behoove you to tip the waiters and waitresses quite well.

If you are inexperienced as far as time on the casino floor is concerned, it may come as a surprise to you that many casinos offer your beer and liquor drinks free of charge so long as you are playing a game. Because the drinks are free, many new casino-goers assume that as soon as the beverage is handed over to them the transaction is complete. While this may technically be true, it is terrible casino etiquette and is frowned upon no matter who you are or where you are. When it comes to drinks and snacks, tipping is as close to an expectation as can be for something that is officially optional.

Tipping isn’t just good manners, it is something that will ensure prompt service in the future. If you avoid tipping, word will spread quickly amongst the service staff, and before you know it you will be waiting long periods of time for a single drink.

Tipping, at its core, is nothing more than something you do out of the kindness of your heart. Something that Is also very important to remember is that it is optional. If you are receiving extremely poor service from a waitress who is also rude, very few people would be upset at your for avoiding a tip in that scenario. If, to the contrary, the waiter or waitress is making your experience more enjoyable in any capacity, he or she should be compensated accordingly. It really is that simple.

Tipping at Casinos FAQ

Will I be kicked out of a casino for not tipping?

Las Vegas Gambling Promotions

This is not likely, but that should not serve as a deterrent to tipping.

How much should I tip for a drink?

Bellagio Las Vegas Online Gambling

This all depends on what the drink is, but a few dollars per drink is more than acceptable. If you are feeling more generous than that, then give more.

Las Vegas Gambling Tip Game

Should I tip more at nicer casinos?

Las Vegas Gambling Nfl

Tipping is all experience-based. You may find a great dealer at a poor casino just like you may find a poor dealer at a top-class casino. Tip based on how enjoyable your experience was and how instrumental your dealer/waiter/waitress was in making your time enjoyable.

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