Most Effective Card Counting System
  1. Easiest Card Counting Systems
  2. Most Effective Card Counting System Definition

Easiest Card Counting Systems

Hey Guys
okay well I know there's no 'best' counting system, and reading the FAQ it's whatever works for you. But I was wondering, not what you use, but what is most effective if used 100% correct, i.e., no errors.
I'm talking about a typical vegas game of black jack high stakes. I've only just started card counting, stupidly on Hi-Opt II... I know for a fact if I learn an easy system first my chances of changing will be relatively difficult... I know you won't agree with me when I say this but I want to start off with the most effective system out there, no matter how much training I need before I put it into action...
Thanks in advance

Most Effective Card Counting System Definition


This system counts all cards except tens as having a value of 1, and the tens as a -2,In effect, it system leads the player to count only the tens, which is worse even than Griffin’s system. Arguably, it’s effective only in estimating the soundness of the “insurance” and “even money” side bets. I am of the opinion that the most difficult higher level single parameter card counting system (i.e. no 'side counts') are easier to play with accuracy, than the 'simplest' level one multi-parameter card counting systems. Most card counters, including serious professionals, should stick with level one single-parameter card counting systems. By doing this, these counts allow you to play without a ‘true count’ conversion which many people find to be the hardest part of balanced counting systems to learn. Yet, these are still quite effective in 4-, 6- or 8-deck games and the fact is, most ‘casual’ Blackjack players who go to casinos where the games offered are dealt from four. Could someone please tell me what the most effective card counting stratedgy is and where the hi-lo system would be in a list from most effective to least effective. Also has anyone had real experience of card counting to the point of actually winning consistantly. I would appreciate it if you could e-mail me the reply as well as posting a reply.