Bad Luck Numbers In Japan

In every country, there are unlucky numbers people want to avoid since they’re creepy. Each unlucky number have the meanings why they’re “UNLUCKY” but do you know what are the unlucky numbers in Japan?

  1. Bad Luck Numbers In Japan Language
  2. Unlucky Numbers
  3. Lucky And Unlucky Numbers
  4. Good Luck Numbers In Japan

There are certain numbers that Japanese people think they’re unlucky and let’s find out what those creepy numbers are considered in Japan by this article.

1. Number “4” is Considered as “Death” in Japan

Lucky numbers in Japan. The number seven in Japanese culture is highly revered, and is often featured in pachinko parlours and on lottery and scratch tickets. It has its roots firmly established in the country’s religious traditions and folklore. For example, there are seven gods of luck in Japanese culture, and they are. Other days in the cycle are more complicated, with things like good luck in the morning but bad luck after that. These days are marked on most non-western style calendars. Dates where the numbers align, such as the 7th day of the seventh month of the seventh year (July 7, 2007) are considered very auspicious. Japan (Rokuyo's home country): Wednesday 17 Feb 2021 (02:22): Shakku, 赤口 – bad luck all day, except at noon Click any date below for a Thought of the Day.

Number “4” is considered as one of the major famous unlucky numbers in Japan. Most Japanese people want to avoid this number in their daily life.

Japan likes a little luck. The country has a turbulent history of devastating wars, earthquakes, fires, tsunami, typhoons, crop failures, epidemics and volcanic eruptions. It's little wonder that numerous ways to hope for a little luck emerged within Japanese culture. The following are examples of things that are considered lucky in Japan.

The reason why number 4 is considered as an unlucky number in Japan is because number 4 is “死” in Chinese character. The meaning of “死” is as follows:


・”死” means “death” in Japanese and we pronounce it as “shi” in Japanese. Number 4 can be pronounced as either “shi”or “yon” by Chinese reading and Japanese reading so number 4 reminds people of death by the same pronunciation as Chinese reading.

Since Japanese people consider this number 4 as unlucky number, there are some hotels or apartments with no room numbers including 4 since it’s bad luck in Japan.

2. Number “9” is Considered as “Suffer” in Japan

Number “9” is considered as one of the major famous unlucky numbers in Japan. Most Japanese people want to avoid this number in their daily life.

The reason why number 9 is considered as an unlucky number in Japan is because number 9 is “苦” in Chinese character. The meaning of “苦” is as follows:

・”苦” means “suffer” in Japanese and we pronounce it as “ku” in Japanese. Number 9 can be pronounced as either “ku”or “kokono” by Chinese reading and Japanese reading so number 9 reminds people of suffering by the same pronunciation as Chinese reading.

Since number 9 is considered as unlucky number, many hospitals don’t have the room number including number 9 considered for patients wouldn’t remind of any pain from suffering in Japan.

3. Combination Numbers “42” and “49” are Considered Unlucky

There are also combination numbers that remind people bad luck in Japan such as follows:

・ The combination numbers “42” is regarded as the meaning of “going to die” in Japan. “42” is written as “死に” in Japanese and makes people impression dying soon.

・The combination numbers “49” is regarded as the meaning of “die in painful death” in Japan. “49” is written as “死苦” in Japanese and makes people impression dying with suffering from something. Number 4 and 9 is major famous unlucky numbers in Japan and it means more worse by connecting both unlucky numbers in Japan.


Bad Luck Numbers In Japan Language

4.Why Do People Care about Unlucky Numbers so Much?

If you have never cared about the unlucky numbers, it’s fine but you must not forget that there are some people who cares about bad luck by certain numbers.

Unlucky numbers cause people effect mentally in a bad way. If something bad happened to people, normally people try to think the all reasons and if people saw the unlucky numbers in advance, they tend to believe the unlucky numbers are one of the reasons for bad luck happened.

Unlucky Numbers

Even if you don’t believe any unlucky numbers, you should be careful not using the unlucky numbers easily.

Do you now see the major famous unlucky numbers in Japan and why those numbers make Japanese people feel creepy? Even the unlucky numbers are different from your own home countries, you can understand why the unlucky numbers make sense in Japan, right?

Some Japanese people tend to avoid using parking number, locker room, wedding date, the room of rental apartment any numbers including unlucky numbers “4”, “9”, “42” or “49” in general.

Lucky And Unlucky Numbers

If you have your favorite numbers in unlucky numbers for Japanese, sorry but hopefully you can take it as a reference.


Good Luck Numbers In Japan
